Do Miracles Happen In Real Life? Real Life Stories That Will Make You Believe In Miracles

WHETHER YOU BELIEVE in miracles or not, sometimes people can do amazing things – and survive what seems impossible to survive.
Here are 4 real-life miracles that have happened over the years – from babies in wells to dogs lost at sea, there have been some scary times for some people. Don’t worry, everyone's OK in the end.
See, miracles do happen.

1. Baby in a well

Source: TVNewStand/YouTube
In 1987, an 18-month old girl, Jessica McClure, fell 22 feet into a deep well in her aunt’s property in Midland, Texas. The rescue took 58 hours and was televised live by the CNN which was the first 24-hour news channel in the US. She required treatment following the trauma but recovered quickly.

2. Stranded in shark-infested waters

Source: Unsplash
Imagine going on the holiday of a lifetime to Mauritius and doing some scuba diving. How about when you surface and your boat is nowhere to be seen? That happened to Jeff and Julie Byrne, on September 2016, after they were dragged 12 miles from their boat by a rip tide – straight into shark-infested waters. A rescue operation was mounted and 7 hours later the couple were found.

3. Dog at sea for 3 days

Source: RT/YouTube
This poor little pooch was washed out to sea during the Japan tsunami in 2011 and was rescued three weeks later. It took the coastguards a couple of hours to rescue the dog but once on board he seemed just fine after his ordeal.

4. Landslide in Australia

Source: Australian TV Fan/YouTube
The Thredbo landslide in a ski resort of Thredbo, New South Wales, in 1997 killed 18 people. One man, Stuart Diver, was found more than sixty hours later, after rescuers had decided to stop digging. They lowered sound equipment down a hole they dug as they detected some movement beneath a concrete slab. The rescuer shouted ”Rescue team working overhead, can anyone hear me?” and Stuart replied, “I can hear you.” The rescuer asked whether he had any injuries, and he replied, “No, but my feet are bloody cold!” He still works at the Thredbo ski resort.
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