How To Create Miracles In Your Life? 5 Simple Ways To Start

One recent study showed that nearly 80% of Americans believe in miracles.  When we bring up the subject of miracles in the B&C Facebook community, the number of believers in miracles is always high (I’m talking 99% or more believe) and we always hear from many people who say  “I need a miracle now.”
When life gets tough … tough beyond what we think we can handle on our own …  we reach out for miracles.   We plead …
  • Let this illness pass over me or my loved one
  • Give me a way to provide for myself and my family
  • Bring me someone to love
  • Help me get out of this situation that’s causing such intense pain
  • Protect my loved ones from the harm they’re subjecting themselves to
Maybe we each have a different view of what constitutes a miracle.  To me, it requires Divine intervention on my behalf to bring about something I feel unable to manifest without help.   I know I’ve received miracles in my life that I recognized, and I suspect there were others that occurred which I didn’t understand.  I did some pretty stupid stuff when I was younger, and somehow I escaped harm.   I’ve also been pretty low … desperately sad, broke, and lonely low … and somehow the pain always lifted, even when I didn’t see a way up and out of it.
I’ve come to understand that I can participate in miracles … for myself and others.   No, I can’t lay hands and cure someone.  I can’t walk on water.  And, I can’t turn water into wine … though I’d be the most popular person at the party if I could.   No, that’s not what I mean by miracle.
I can participate in bringing into existence something that did not seem even remotely possible, and so can you.

If You Want a Miracle in Your Life, Be Prepared to Participate in Its Unfolding

So, if we can participate in the unfolding of miracles, what’s the catch?  What do we have to do?  What’s it going to cost us?     I’ve come up with a list of 5 things that I’ve seen do the trick, and the cost is simply some positive action on your part.    It takes discipline and mindfulness to put these into practice in your life, but there’s nothing on the list that you can’t do.
1.  Be Grateful for Everything
Gratitude deserves all the positive buzz it gets.  It’s a life-changer, but can gratitude produce miracles?   Uh-huh, yup, it can.
Here’s why:   when you’re grateful for what’s coming your way, your entire energy changes.  You become a light in the darkness.  You shift your perspective from scarcity to abundance.   You bring forth more Divine blessings because you’re tuned into the giving nature of The Creator of everything.
Now here’s the catch:  How much can you be grateful for?  Can you be grateful not only for the big stuff, but also all the details that make your life better?   The people who grew the food on your plate.  The fact that there IS food on your plate.   The power that keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.   Clean water.  Soft breezes.  Chirping birds.  Winter’s transition into spring.
Can you give thanks for your capacity to think and love and solve problems that you probably created in the first place?
Can you be thankful for your fingers and elbows and that nose that you’d always wished was a different shape?
Can you be grateful for not getting that dream job you desperately wanted, because you understand another door will open that’s even better for you?
Can you be grateful for the wonderful parents you were given?  Can you still be grateful even if they’re called to transition to the next life, relieving them from the physical pain that they were experiencing here?  Yes, I know you prayed for a miracle that they would live and yet they died … can you still hold gratitude in your heart anyway?
The more gratitude you feel and express …  the more things you find to be grateful for … the more you’ll receive to be grateful for.   When you live in a state of gratitude, people and opportunities and blessings miraculously show up in your life.
2.  Stop Using “I Don’t Know What to Do” As an Excuse to Do Nothing
Man oh man, do I wish I’d have understood this lesson earlier in life.   Just because you don’t know exactly what to do does not mean you should sit around and do nothing.
When you take a positive step in your life … ANY positive step … a way forward will appear.   And don’t be surprised if the positive step you take leads to something that’s completely unrelated to the action you took.    For example, clear out the clutter in your house and you may find something that was once unclear about what to do in your career is now crystal clear.   Take a course to build a new skill and you end up meeting someone who becomes a dear friend for the rest of your life.   Begin a new exercise habit it, get healthier and you find that your confidence soars in other areas of your life.
Positive action nets positive rewards.  The more positive action you take, the more you’re rewarded.   I tell you, it’s a miracle-producing move you want to take now!
3.  Step Out of Your Routine
You’ve probably heard the expression, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”    I don’t think you can even count on it being that good because I’ve seen that if I keep doing the same thing over and over, I often get diminishing results.
We all have to be willing to step out of our routines … broaden our horizons … bust through comfort zones.   Sure, you might experience some bumps and bruises along the way, but ultimately bravery is rewarded.    
Miracles are not beyond your grasp, but you may need to extend your reach to receive the miracles you’ve been longing for.
4.  Help Others Receive the Miracles They’re Praying For
Those clothes you’re no longer wearing or that extra bed you’re not using could be a miracle to someone else.   Your kind words and encouragement could give someone the confidence they need to go after and get a job they really need.   That effort you took to help an underprivileged child get an education could transform a life forever.  You get the idea.
As an added bonus, when you do these things to help others experience their miracles, you get to experience the pure bliss of being a giver.   That’s a pretty miraculous gift to give yourself!
5.  Trust in Your Higher GPS
Imagine that you’re in Pensacola, Florida and you’re trying to get San Diego, California.  You set your car’s GPS to map out the destination and then you question its advice every step of the way.  Instead of going left, you go right.  Instead of going east, you go north.     After a little while, you mute the GPS, because you’re tired of hearing it bark “recalculating.”  In a few days’ time, you expected to be in San Diego and instead you’re in Washington state near the Canadian border. Are you ready for a miracle?
We all have an inner knowing in us … a Divine GPS if you will … that can help us get where we want to go.   When we listen to our intellectual mind instead of that inner guidance system, we get turned around and off course.
It may seem confusing and unfair that the same intellect that helped us navigate our lives thus far appears to betray us when it comes to the really important aspects of our lives.   Yet Divine wisdom trumps our human minds every single time … in that there are no exceptions.
Your Higher GPS is not in your mind … it’s in your heart … it’s in your soul.   When you tune into it, and when you trust what it is telling you, you invite miracles into your life.

So What Will You Do Differently Now that Understand You Can Manifest Miracles Through Your Thoughts and Actions?

Now that you know 5 ways to actively participate in manifesting miracles, what will you do differently?   It’s of little use to have this knowledge if you don’t put the ideas into practice.
Chances are, you probably already knew that everything on this list was a good idea anyway.  Now hopefully you have an even greater appreciation of what adopting these new thoughts and actions can do for you.    This is your reminder to make different decisions now.

Need a Little More Help With Manifesting Miracles in Your Life?

Would you like to experience your own personal miracle in your own life? Visit to download this resource to stop making the mistakes that are keeping you from LIVING A MIRACLE LIFE!


“Miracles happen every day. Change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you.”  ~ Jon Bon Jovi
“A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.”  ~ William Hazlitt
“Don’t believe in miracles – depend on them.”  ~ Laurence J. Peter
“I think my mistakes became the chemistry for my miracles.”  ~ T.D. Jakes
“If you need a miracle, be a miracle.”  ~ Phil McGraw
“Don’t give up before the miracle happens.”  ~ Fannie Flagg
“Impossible situations can become possible miracles.”  ~ Robert H. Schuller
“You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one.  Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own.  It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.”  ~ Paulo Coelho
“Love is the great miracle cure.  Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”  ~ Louise L. Hay
“Maybe miracles are given not to prove anything, but simply to remind us that the physical world is not so solid and real and dependable as we think.”  ~ Dwight Longenecker
“I think miracles exist in part as gifts and in part as clues that there is something beyond the flat world we see.”  ~ Peggy Noonan

Would you like to experience your own personal miracle in your own life? Visit to download this resource to stop making the mistakes that are keeping you from LIVING A MIRACLE LIFE!
